Microsoft Teams vs. Skype – Which is Better for your Business?

Skype has long been known as one of the most predominant video chatting platforms. Since its inception in August of 2003, users have become well-accustomed to Skype’s infamous call quality and unreliable chatting tools. While they now have a platform specifically for business, there may be an even better option for your company, known as Microsoft Teams.

Teams provides the same communication tool that Skype for business does, as well as many more functions. And, as a part of the Microsoft family, it’s more reliable and functional than Skype. With Teams, not only can you video chat, host calls and meetings, and chat with individuals or groups via text, you can also incorporate a host of other Microsoft apps such as Planner, which helps delegate tasks to everyone in your organization.

So, how does Microsoft Teams stack up against Skype? Let’s compare.

1.) With the use of Microsoft Teams, it encompasses all the functions available with Skype for business on one easy to use platform. Because of this, you can simply invest in this one platform that makes it easy to manage all of your company’s collaborative efforts.

2.) When Microsoft Teams is used in tandem with other Office 365 features, options become limitless, making it possible for your organization to have a complete collaborative platform tailored to its needs.

3.) Microsoft Teams also boasts the ability to save all previous chats, while Skype erases them after you’ve logged out. You also have the ability in Teams to bookmark a message for later reference.

4.) Teams allows you to create groups to collaborate and share for each individual team in your organization, meaning that only the people involved in certain tasks can all be a part of a team that houses chats, meetings, and files pertaining to their work.

5.) In video meetings, Teams allows for background blur (just recently adopted by Skype, customizable backgrounds, whiteboard features, and live captions. It also offers the capability to host live events that are accessible to users outside of Teams.

6.) Teams enables guest access so that external parties with a Teams account can act as a guest in your group within Teams. By doing so, they can access files, messages, and meeting of said group that they have been invited to. Admins can delegate what a guest can and cannot do within the team.

7.) Possibly one of the biggest ways Teams stands out is with its file storage. All documents that you upload to a team will be saves to its own SharePoint site.  This means that all files you have on Teams are backed up by the cloud and are securely stored at your fingertips.

8.) Lastly, Skype is set to reach its end of life on July 31st, 2021. Migrating to teams now will save you the headache of losing the service once it goes end of life.

If you’re still using Skype as your business’s main platform for collaboration, consider all the above comparisons as the incentive to switch to a more savvy, efficient platform. Teams offers all that your business needs to stay up-to-date and competitive in today’s market. If you’re interested in learning more, visit our website.

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